Village Map

Click on map for larger image

The online Ordnance Survey free mapping of the area. (opens in a new window)

This is more up-to-date than the map above and includes Jacksmeadow and the Post Office in the right place! Each dot represents a building which is in the Post Affice address database and the map can be zoomed in and out covering teh whole parish.


The links below are to higher quality downloadable and printable maps showing the Uffington West and East. Using 2 maps allows house names/numbers to be shown. 

Uffington Village - West
Printed on A3 paper this will be at a scale of 1:2000
Uffington Village - West.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [872.0 KB]
Uffington Village - East
Printed on A3 paper this will be at a scale of 1:2000
Uffington Village - East.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [777.7 KB]

The aerial photo map below can be zoomed and scrolled around the area. Uffington parish footpaths are highlighted in red.

Site Updated:

27 April 2024

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