
Elm Tree Surgery, Shrivenham – October 2020 Update


Although the level of Covid infections locally remains well below the national average, please remain vigilant and continue to follow the government advice and guidance.  We would encourage everyone to download the new Covid Test and Trace app (NHS COVID-19), in which you can see full details of how it works and what happens to your data.


Our priority remains to deliver the best possible care to all our patients safely.  We will continue the policy of telephone screening but will always see patients face to face if clinically necessary.  Please continue to come for all vaccinations, screening procedures and regular injections or dressings, and please do contact us if you have any worrying symptoms especially if you are worried you might have cancer.  Thank you all for adapting to these new systems which may be with us for quite some while yet.


Our flu clinics are by invitation only, and we strongly encourage everyone to attend.  If you are unable to attend when you are invited please let us know.


If the winter weather becomes more inclement, please ask the receptionist at the front window for an umbrella.  In very cold or wet weather, you may prefer to let the receptionist know you are here and then wait in your car and the doctor, nurse or other clinician can text you when we are ready to receive you.


Keep safe and please do keep using the services provided by the surgery.  Unfortunately we are not able to syringe ears or perform minor operations or perform spirometry breathing tests, but otherwise we will continue to provide all the services as we did before this virus affected us all.

Site Updated:

2nd July 2024

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