The Courier - current year

The Courier is available quarterly in printed form delivered directly to all households in Uffington, Baulking and Woolstone - or electronically if preferred. Spare copies can be obtained free from the village shop. The copies below contain the live links to further information.


Submissions for consideration of inclusion in the next issue should be sent to the editor Giles Dawson at


Deliveries are coordinated by James Whishaw:


See below for this year's editions. Previous years can be accessed via the menu on the left. The Museum holds paper copies of many editions from pre-digitisation.

The Courier Summer 2024
If you would rather receive a digital Publication of the Courier rather than a delivered paper copy, please let the Parish Council know via
Courier Summer 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

For an ebook version please click the following link - The Courier Summer 2024

The Courier Spring 2024
This edition focusses on the winter 2023-24 flooding and action taken by the Council to minimise future flood damage.
If you would rather receive notification of the publication of the Courier on line rather than a delivered paper copy, please let the Parish Council know.
COURIER 197 Spring 24 FINAL web.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.9 MB]

Site Updated:

2nd July 2024

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